2-way SMS for Outbound
Designed for fast order confirmation via SMS that is compliant with local regulations in e.g. Norway. Features SMS templates, message log and includes a low cost operator subscription.
174€ /month
In some countries, phone sales regulations require orders to be confirmed in an additional channel to the conversation on the phone. 2-way SMS enables agents to send and receive rapid order confirmations while still being on the call. In that way, they can close and move on to the next deal faster.
Note: cost of sending SMS will be charged separately.
With LeadDesk 2-way SMS you can:
- Enable your agents to send + receive order confirmation SMS messages from LeadDesk directly, while still being on the call
- Can be used for any kind of interactive SMS communication with the customers
- Create SMS templates in the admin panel
- View and track the 2-way SMS activity log in the admin panel, including customer replies
Includes operator subscription for low-cost texts: Due to the integration required to track and monitor replies, 2-way SMS includes an operator subscription.
The ability to receive the customer’s reply while still being on the call has a positive impact on your conversion rate. Without 2-way SMS the confirmation rates are lower because you have to disconnect the call before sending out a confirmation SMS and meanwhile lose the customer’s attention.
You will find “2-way SMS” located under the “campaign tab” in the agent view. Agents can choose from the available templates, and quickly dispatch and receive messages while they are on the call.
On the admin side, the template builder is very simple and is designed for short text messages. In those messages with a clear call to action, you ask the customer to confirm the order.
The 2-way SMS feature integrates with “Order Status” to make it easy for the agent. That means, for example, an “OK” from a customer’s SMS triggers the contact’s order status to show “SMS Confirmation”.
The SMS activity log gives the admin an overview of individual messages, including customer, agent, timing, and message content. The log is threaded so it is easy to see customer replies.
Warning! Only works with Outbound, not compatible with Omni