Easy E-Signing
Time-saving order confirmation tool for contracts and documents.
Send documents for customers to sign and keep track on the order status.
11€ /agent
Easy E-Signing is a great cost-efficient tool when you need to have contracts signed or longer texts on your order confirmations. You can easily upload and send documents for customers to sign, and check their signing status any time.
It’s fully integrated with LeadDesk: linked with orders, campaigns and contact details means less manual work and ability to keep on track the order state at all times.
- Easy contract management and reporting
- Suitable for multiple-page documents
- Customers can use it on mobile also
Use straight from LeadDesk Outbound (Agent) and Admin UIs
- The contract details, like the order and the customer contact details, are automatically filled
- The Agent sends a link from LeadDesk to the customer to go and sign the contract
- Send links via email and SMS to the customer, during or after the call
- The Agents can keep on track of the status and approval in LeadDesk
- Customise and manage easily in the Admin panel
- Use rich text and e.g. Logos on the documents
- Set expiration dates for the contracts
- Admin can prevent the invitation links to be sent before the call has ended
- Identification with IP address —Effortless customer experience means high order conversion
- A PDF is created about the signed contract with IP addresses and timestamp.