SMS Order confirmation app

SMS Order Confirmation

SMS Order confirmation allows the customer to quickly confirm orders through SMS. You can automatically send a SMS to the customer depending on the call-ending reason and request a confirmation for an order. Notice: To use the SMS Order Confirmation, you must have a 2-way SMS number set up.

174€ /month

In some countries, phone sales regulations require orders to be confirmed in an additional channel to the conversation on the phone after the call has ended.
Send automatised 2-way order confirmation SMS messages to your customers after every order made from a call.
Automate SMS messages to be sent depending on the call-ending reason, and request a confirmation for an order. SMS Order confirmation allows the customer to confirm orders through SMS quick and easy.

No manual work needed

  • Avoid Agents having to manually send out order confirmation messages
  • No need to check all the customer replies and update the order status for them manually
  • No need to go through the not confirmed orders and re-sending requests
  • Bulletproof: no SMS forgotten to send, orders not updated or left hanging
  • Assure the correct content for every SMS message

Natively integrated into LeadDesk

  • Automate the SMS messages and their flows easily from the Admin panel
  • Create SMS templates and paths to manage order confirmation
  • Automatically updates the order state after reply
  • Send Welcome messages
  • Create Reminder flows with SMS and Callbacks

Notice: To use the SMS Order Confirmation, you must have 2-way SMS number set up.
If you need to send out contracts for confirmation, we recommend using the Easy E-signing app.
Not sure which order confirmation tool would be the best for your company? Compare our solutions on our Order Confirmation blog post!