Surfly co-browsing for LeadDesk

PRIVATE BETA: LeadDesk is teaming up with Surfly to provide your agents the opportunity of co-browsing, directly from LeadDesk. Co-browsing will increase both your customer satisfaction as well as sales.

29€ /agent/month

PRIVATE BETA: Start offering co-browsing to your customers or partners and increase both customer satisfaction as well as sales.

LeadDesk is teaming up with Surfly to provide your agents the opportunity of co-browsing, directly from LeadDesk. Co-browsing will increase both your customer satisfaction as well as sales.

With Surfly’s high quality and super fast co-browsing technology, you can provide a customer experience that equals that of a face-to-face meeting, without any barriers in the service cycle. Just click a button or share a link to browse the web together with your customers.

The project is currently in Private Beta. Apply now and be one of the first companies to offer co-browsing inside of LeadDesk.