Voicemail module
LeadDesk’s Voicemail Module is the right tool to move into a professional and well-organized inbound direction. If you have several queues, the Voicemail Module will help your call center or help desk hotline to improve your customer’s experience significantly.
7€ /voicemail box/month
LeadDesk’s Voicemail Module is the right tool to move into a professional and well-organized inbound direction. If you have several queues, the Voicemail Module will help your call center or help desk hotline to improve your customer’s experience significantly. It will also make your admin’s and agents’ lives easier through automated voicemail message distribution and notifications via email.
With our Voicemail Module, you can:
– Give your callers the chance to leave messages
– Distribute the voicemail messages according to topic and agent skills
– Cut time and effort, no more sorting through all new messages
– Reduce the waiting time by giving the option to leave a message
– Make after-hours calls more enjoyable and successful
– Create a great new option for an IVR system
Your customers can call when your agents are not working and your business is closed. They can leave a topic related message for a specific agent. On the next morning, when your agents open their inboxes they can call back and help your customers right away. The agent is well-prepared and the chances for a successful callback are higher. Your customers don’t have to repeat themselves again because in your agent’s email notification is the recording of the voicemail message. Also, when your waiting times are very long you can give your caller the option to ask for a callback. The Voicemail Module gives your support hotline or inbound call center a more professional angle which will be appreciated by all parties involved.