Teollisuusliitto Enhances Member Experience with LeadDesk's Chatbot Solution
Teollisuusliitto improved member support by using LeadDesk's chatbot, simplifying access to information, reducing customer service strain, and speeding up responses.

Teollisuusliitto is the largest trade union in Finland, representing approximately 200,000 members across 35 sectors. Dedicated to improving the working conditions of its members, Teollisuusliitto plays a significant role in advocating for workers’ rights and is a prominent member of the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK).
Teollisuusliitto identified the need to make it easier for members to access information on their website and reduce the strain on their customer service channels, like phone support. As a large organization with a lot of information, they struggled to help members quickly find answers to common questions. Many other organizations were already using chatbots, making it important for Teollisuusliitto to keep up. Additionally, LeadDesk, as a local provider that follows collective labor agreements, aligned well with Teollisuusliitto’s values and tendering requirements.
Challenges they faced:
- Members had trouble finding relevant information on the website.
- Customer service channels were overwhelmed with repetitive queries.
- There was a need to simplify how members accessed information.
- They wanted to improve response times and communication efficiency.
“We had so much information on our website that members often found it challenging to locate the answers they needed. We wanted a solution to simplify this process while reducing the pressure on our customer service team,” explains Jonne Kivinen, Web Communications Designer at Teollisuusliitto.
The Solution
Teollisuusliitto chose LeadDesk for their chatbot solution after evaluating various providers. LeadDesk stood out due to its user-friendly interface, domestic presence, and ability to support future growth. The chatbot made it easier for members to navigate the website and automatically handle basic queries.
How LeadDesk helped Teollisuusliitto:
- Ease of Use: The chatbot is easy to operate, allowing the organization to manage and transfer tasks smoothly.
- Answer Suggestions: Automatically provides users with suggested answers, streamlining support.
- Integration Potential: LeadDesk’s scalable platform allows for future service expansion.
- Customization and Support: LeadDesk is committed to continuously improving and customizing the solution to meet Teollisuusliitto’s needs.
“LeadDesk’s chatbot was intuitive and easy to manage. It also has features, such as answer suggestions, which we hadn’t initially considered but found extremely useful,” says Kivinen.
Implementing LeadDesk’s chatbot has allowed Teollisuusliitto to handle certain types of customer interactions more efficiently, particularly those involving repetitive or simple queries. This has reduced the pressure on their customer service representatives and improved the overall member experience by providing faster responses to frequently asked questions.
- Reduced Customer Service Load: Basic questions are now handled by the chatbot, allowing human representatives to focus on more complex inquiries.
- Improved Member Satisfaction: The chatbot provides quicker access to the right information, reducing frustration and response times.
- Streamlined Processes: The chatbot helps manage repetitive questions, easing the burden on other communication channels like phone and email.
“The chatbot has taken over some of the repetitive tasks, allowing our team to focus on more complex issues. We’ve seen a positive impact on both our staff and members,” Kivinen adds.
Future Plans
Teollisuusliitto plans to continue leveraging LeadDesk’s solution by incorporating chatbot performance metrics into their reporting in the near future. They also look forward to exploring additional features and integrations as part of their long-term digital strategy.
“We’ve had a smooth experience working with LeadDesk, and we’re excited to see how their solutions can further improve our operations in the future,” Kivinen remarks.
About the Contributor
Jonne Kivinen is the Web Communications Designer at Teollisuusliitto. With over 20 years of experience in the trade union sector, Jonne has spent the last 15 years working in various communications roles. For the past 6.5 years, he has been instrumental in shaping Teollisuusliitto’s digital communications, including the recent implementation of LeadDesk’s chatbot solution.
Teollisuusliitto streamlined member support with LeadDesk’s chatbot, improving efficiency.
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