
LeadDesk's superior security

LeadDesk is built with security conscious users in mind.

We are independently audited and certified for the highest standards of data security controls and practises in contact center services.

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Engage customers securely - always

LeadDesk is trusted by security-conscious organisations

LeadDesk is used by healthcare and financial sector leaders around Europe.

Our software is used daily by thousands of efficient customer service teams and high-performing sales teams.

All security certifications you’ll need

LeadDesk has received both SOC 2 and ISO 27001 certifications.

All our data is stored in the EU, and is 100% compatible with GDPR requirements and European safety standards.

Learn how to choose a truly secure contact center software

Read the guide

With a secure contact center you'll:

Minimise cyber security risks

With a certified and secure contact center software in place, your orgaization in protected from cyber attacks and data losses.

Comply with all security requirements

You won't need to worry about EU, GDPR and other legal requirements by yourself as your contact center provider takes care of all the legal stuff.

Avoid system downtime

A reliable contact center provider should ensure >99.95% system uptime, always.

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