Auto dialer software for sales teams

The Go-to Dialer Mode for Small Teams and Existing Customers

Auto Dialer mode enables premium service without sacrificing agent efficiency.

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Auto Dialer Software – What Is It?

The auto dialer, also known as the progressive dialer or automatic dialer, is a dialer mode that strikes a middleground between agent productivity and preparation. The software detects when your agent ends their previous call and immediately calls the next contact on the active contact list. The dialer automatically dials through the contact list until a contact answers and connects the contact with an agent.

An auto dialer ensures that, after ending a call, your agents get to preview information about the next contact while the software is dialing. The agent calls the potential customer fully informed and can serve them better.

You always have as many lines open as there are agents. As the dialer doesn’t connect more than the contact center can handle, there’s no risk of ghost calls.

What are the benefits of using an auto dialer software?

An auto dialer balances agent efficiency and preparation.

As the agents don’t have to dial contacts manually, they get to concentrate on selling instead of browsing and dialing through contact lists. Every time your agent is connected, they can expect a customer waiting for them. This ensures that every time your agents are on a call, they are engaged in a conversation instead of talking to an answering machine or listening to the busy signal.

An automatic dialer eliminates ghost calls. There are never more lines open than there are agents, which ensures that your customers always talk to a live agent instead of an IVR or recorded message. This leads to more satisfied customers and lower call abandonment rates.

Preparing for the next call is easy. In the 15 seconds or so between agents ending the previous call and the next customer answering, your agents have time to prepare for the call. Your agents go into the call ready to serve the customers according to their needs.

Who benefits from using an automatic dialer?

An auto dialer can be used by teams of all sizes. However, the dialer mode favors small or medium-sized teams that can’t use a predictive dialer or simply want to provide premium service.

It’s ideal for campaigns that target existing customers, such as renewals or upselling. Generally the contact lists should be of medium to high quality.

How Does Leaddesk Stand Out?

LeadDesk solutions use our own, ultra-strong infrastructure for our communications platform, which guarantees high-quality audio and 99.95% uptime. Reliability combined with fast connection times helps your agents spend more time on the phone.

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How Does an Auto Dialer Differ From Other Automatic Dialer Modes?

An Automatic Dialer is similar to other dialer modes that dial automatically, such as Power Dialer and Predictive Dialer. However, these dialer modes all have their own unique features that can make a difference to your campaigns.

Automatic Dialer vs. Power Dialer

Many companies advertise Power Dialers. What they are actually offering is an Automatic Dialer. While both dialer modes dial automatically, a Power Dialer should always have more lines open than there are agents. Having more lines open creates extra efficiency.

A Power Dialer is a good choice for small or medium-sized sales teams that have medium to high-quality contacts. A well-adjusted Power Dialer is good for teams that need more efficiency than an Automatic Dialer can offer but are too small to use a Predictive Dialer.

Predictive Dialer vs. Automatic Dialer

A Predictive Dialer is the go-to solution when you have a large number of agents and a long list of low-quality contacts. A Predictive Dialer uses an AI-powered algorithm to maximise the number of active calls.

It optimises agent efficiency by calling a large number of contacts simultaneously. The aggressiveness of Predictive Dialer is reined by setting a drop rate that controls the maximum percentage of unanswered calls. In various countries, these thresholds are governed by law. A Predictive Dialer, nevertheless, has the risk of abandoned calls and low customer satisfaction.

5 Tips to Make the Most of an Automatic Dialer

Aim for customer satisfaction

Use an automatic dialer especially when you want to give premium service to your contacts. Some dialer modes might be better for efficiency but an automatic dialer is the right choice when you want to make absolutely sure there is an agent available to serve the customer from start to finish.

Prepare for calls

Ensure that your agents make the most of the time between calls. The strength of an automatic dialer is based on guaranteed live presence and the right preparation.

Integrate with CRM to reach the right contacts

A good way to secure that you’re targeting the right people with your automatic dialer campaign is to use a contact center software that allows you to extract contact lists and data straight from your CRM. Try LeadDesk for free.

Read more about LeadDesk’s integrations.

Use analytics to validate your choices

Continuous analysis ensures that you have picked the right dialer mode for your campaign. If agent performance, campaign activity and sales reports indicate that results aren’t up to the standard you expected, maybe another dialer mode could do the trick.

Scale according to your needs

LeadDesk’s Automatic Dialer campaigns are completely scalable. If your campaign proves successful, you can bring more agents in at any time.

Automatic Dialer pricing

The Automatic Dialer feature is included in every LeadDesk plan, so there are no additional costs. Prices for the whole software start at 89€/month/user. Learn more about our pricing.

Automatic Dialer FAQ

How do I set up Automatic Dialer?

Automatic Dialer is a standard feature of LeadDesk, and thus included in every plan. Setting up LeadDesk only takes minutes, start your trial now.

Does Automatic Dialer require extensive training?

No. Automatic Dialer is an easy-to-use dialer mode that doesn’t require specific agent training.

I operate a small contact center. Should I use Automatic Dialer?

Absolutely. Automatic Dialer is especially effective for small or medium teams, which makes it a perfect solution for you.

There are so many dialer modes. How do I know which one to use?

We hear you. LeadDesk is versatile, but each feature has its own purpose. You can learn the basics about dialer modes in our Total Guide to Contact Center Dialer Modes.

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