Ensure maximum customer satisfaction and guarantee the shortest possible responsetime

Saleskitchen, a German company that are experts on first-class customer relationship management in the premium automotive segment. They are happy users of LeadDesk and it has changed their way of working.

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Ensure maximum customer satisfaction

Saleskitchen’s daily challenge is to run a large number of individual dialogue campaigns in parallel. This in the absolute top segment of exclusive sports car and premium vehicle manufacturers. In addition to ensure maximum customer satisfaction for their clients and at the same time guarantee the shortest possible response times. How could LeadDesk fit or help with this challenge?

“LeadDesk enables our team to centrally manage, monitor and adjust the multitude of campaigns via one tool. And we can do this almost regardless of location, which made it very easy for us to opt for “working from home” in 2020 and 2021 to guarantee our employees maximum health protection due to Covid-19 and at the same time provide unrestricted full performance.” – Saleskitchen (Langers & Langers)

No need for interfaces and rigid, locally bound tools

Before using LeadDesk, Saleskitchen used a wide variety of tools for a wide variety of requirements.

“LeadDesk saves us valuable time today because reports can be controlled centrally, there is no need for interfaces and rigid, locally bound tools.” – Saleskitchen (Langers & Langers)

Maximum flexibility and mobility

LeadDesk’s goal is to make everyday working as easy as possible and to make sure that our customers provide our solutions to the fullest. Since Saleskitchen’s daily challenge was to run a large number of individual dialogue campaigns in parallel, while ensuring maximum customer satisfaction and shortest possible response times, we wondered if using our solution helped their way of working.

“Our way of working has changed completely. LeadDesk gives us maximum flexibility and mobility – no matter where we are working. Thanks to LeadDesk, we have access to all campaign-relevant information at any time and from anywhere. Whether we are at the customer, in our office, at home or in the car. LeadDesk has made a decisive contribution to almost completely digitising our work architecture.” – Saleskitchen (Langers & Langers)

As LeadDesk want to provide the best solution to our customers we always wonder what we can do better and what works best for our customers. This we asked Saleskitchen.

“For us, the big plus of LeadDesk is the web interface. A broswer-based solution gives us maximum flexibility.” – Saleskitchen (Langers & Langers)

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