Edenred embraced remote work with LeadDesk's cloud-based customer service software

Edenred switched from an inflexible customer service software to the adaptable, cloud-based LeadDesk. The switch allowed them to start remote work and to blend inbound and outbound efficiently.

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Edenred Finland is the leading employee benefits provider in Finland. Edenred provides efficient and convenient solutions for motivating and rewarding employees, customers and collaborators.

Inflexible call center software detrimental to customer service

While Edenred’s sales team had been using the LeadDesk Outbound sales solution for many years, their inbound team switched to LeadDesk more recently – for an obvious reason. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, Edenred’s customer service team was working at the office with a traditional contact center software that was unsuited for remote work.

Edenred first quickly switched to a mobile phone-based solution where agents could take their designated phones home with them. However, ordering new mobile phones for every new agent and managing the physical locations of each phone soon became a burden that distracted Edenred from realizing their potential. The mobile phone system was also hard to customize.

As a result, the queues were beginning to overflow and customer satisfaction suffered. It was time to turn a new leaf and try a cloud-based customer service solution. This is when Edenred adopted the LeadDesk Omni customer service solution.

Cloud-based omnichannel solution improves flexibility and efficiency

Switching to LeadDesk’s omnichannel software brought significant benefits to Edenred’s customer service.

Remote work: As a cloud-based system, LeadDesk freed agents to work from home instead of being reliant on the office. Remote work has both improved the agents’ work satisfaction and enabled Edenred to continue their operation without interruption.

Ease of use and fast adoption: LeadDesk’s user interface is quick to learn. It’s in Finnish and allows agents to handle the whole customer service operation with the same interface.

Coaching: With LeadDesk’s Remote Listener, team leads can easily coach agents and perform quality management.

Easy customization: Edenred’s previous systems didn’t allow team leaders or agents to tailor the operation. Now each agent and team can customize LeadDesk so that it best supports each customer service campaign, situation and queue.

More accurate reporting: Edenred’s old customer service software lacked key metrics, such as average call time and the total number on inbound calls. LeadDesk provides Edenred with all the necessary metrics for monitoring and optimizing their operation.

Our agents have been very satisfied with LeadDesk. It’s easy to learn, use and customize, which significantly improves the efficiency of our operation.
Satu Sekki, Customer Care Team Lead

Blending inbound and outbound offers strategic insight

Using LeadDesk Omni for customer service and LeadDesk Outbound for sales has benefits for agents and management.

Having one software provider for inbound and outbound makes it easier for agents to handle both customer service and sales. The possibility to switch flexibly allows agents to learn new skills and have more career opportunities inside the organization without having to learn new software.

For Edenred, blending is a good way to find the right agent allocation for inbound and outbound in different situations. Transferring calls from customer service to sales is smooth and enables easy upselling. Also, as LeadDesk covers both customer service and sales, Edenred’s management gets unified reports that support them in making holistic strategic decisions.

Blending inbound and outbound has been a real benefit for our agents. They can learn both worlds and get a better overview of Edenred’s whole operation.
Satu Sekki, Customer Care Team Lead

LeadDesk’s commitment is key to successful onboarding

Edenred has been impressed by the easy transition and the possibilities LeadDesk offers.

Even though Edenred already had experience of LeadDesk’s outbound solution, the customer service software was quite different from their previous solutions. LeadDesk’s onboarding process was thorough and support was always available.

LeadDesk’s key features are easy to use and usually customization doesn’t require special assistance. Whenever there is a feature we need help with, LeadDesk’s support team finds a way to make it work. I think the software still has potential that we can uncover, especially in blending,” says Satu Sekki.

Apart from the software itself, Edenred has been delighted with LeadDesk’s quick response times. With a designated contact person, problems can be solved quickly with a person who fully knows the way Edenred works.

With LeadDesk continuously developing their offering, there is serious potential to continue and further strengthen the successful collaboration.

Interested to take your customer service to the next level?

Give LeadDesk a try. Free for 30-days.