The recipe that led to victory for SpareBank 1 SR-Bank

At Tekna's annual conference; The customer service days, Sparebank 1 SR-bank won the KSindeks award 2019 for Best customer service in the industry category Banking! We have had a chat with May Bente K. Olsen, Director of customer service private market at SR-Bank, about how they have managed to achieve such good results to win such an award this year. What is the recipe for success in customer service?

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SpareBank 1 SR-Bank, formerly Sparebanken Rogaland, is the largest bank affiliated with the SpareBank 1 Group. The bank is headquartered in Bjergsted in Stavanger. SpareBank 1 SR-Bank has more than 300,000 private individuals and companies as customers. The bank has 36 branches from Bergen in the west to Oslo in the east.

What is KSindeks?

KSindeks is Norway’s largest survey in customer service, where Kantar asks 40,000 customers every year and receives 20,000 answers from people who have been in contact with a company. The prize is awarded by Kantar in collaboration with Tekna and us at LeadDesk. This year’s customer service award is chosen based on the results in KSindeks (

LeadDesk is a supplier to SpareBank 1 SR-Bank and therefore wants to praise the efforts behind the victory. The agents who are in dialogue with the customers get a lot of praise from Olsen, and she says that they have a lot of credit for the fact that their customer service level is so high.

“The employees have worked hard and were of course very happy with the victory. It has been a busy and demanding year for SR-Bank with a high number of inquiries both by phone, chat, email and on the office channel” – May Bente K. Olsen, Director of customer service private market at SR-BAnk

The systems are an important part of customer service

There was great excitement about SR-Bank’s move to a new head office in 2019, where employees who work with the channels telephony and chat were also to be co-located. That is why stable systems are very important, says Olsen. SR-Bank switched operations to new servers and was therefore excited about the move.

“It has gone very well. We have not had any special system challenges related to the move, and it has been worked very well by both our partners at LeadDesk and our IT operations department” – May Bente K. Olsen, Director of customer service private market at SR-BAnk

It is important, not only in relation to relocation, that the systems are very stable every day where login is efficient, and that you are not suddenly thrown out of the system.

“We have experienced that the systems we get from LeadDesk have a very stable operation” – May Bente K. Olsen, Director of customer service private market at SR-BAnk

LeadDesk delivers both our contact center solution ICC and the staffing system ProScheduler to Sparebank 1 SR-Bank.

The systems related to the results

Having enough resources and the right people at work is also part of success in customer service. SR-Bank has managed to reduce their response time by as much as 50 seconds.
To be able to answer as many customers as possible and avoid queues on the telephone lines, it is important to have good resource planning. The largest traffic takes place over the telephone. SR-Bank has a very varied traffic with different weekly and monthly peaks, and different seasons where it is busy. Olsen believes that it is therefore important to have good tools, where they use ProScheduler, among other things. With ProScheduler, SR-Bank achieves always having the right people at work.

“It is important to have a good dashboard to see if there is a queue and be able to control it. We have worked very hard to both respond quickly and give good recommendations in the conversations. Then it is very nice to get exactly this feedback from the customers who participated in the survey” – May Bente K. Olsen, Director of customer service private market at SR-Bank

Congratulations on the victory!

Sparebank 1 SR-Bank is very pleased to win the KSindeks award for best customer service within the industry category Banking. They are proud of the hard work that has been put in to be able to achieve such a level on the customer service channels. They stand by their strategy and try to improve it year by year.

The systems that are delivered are an important part of being able to provide the best customer service to customers. ProScheduler among other things helps to provide enough resources at work and prospect the upcoming traffic. Stability in the system is also a very important part of the recipe for success in customer service. Had the systems not remained stable, the result could have been quite different.

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