4DMC succeeds in outbound and inbound charity fundraising with LeadDesk

4DMC is a Dutch contact center founded in 2010. What makes them unique is that their focus is solely gathering financial support for charity foundations.

Currently, 4DMC has 120 seats in their contact center and around 170 employees. Their customers include renowned organisations such as Red Cross, Unicef, Heart Foundation, World Animal Protection and many other charities.

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Outbound and inbound fundraising with LeadDesk

4DMC operates both outbound and inbound telemarketing. Outbound naturally means that they call potential donors. However, when donors have any questions or are looking to cancel their subscription, 4DMC handles the inbound calls on the behalf of the customer.

To support the fundraising activities, 4DMC also offers subsidiary services such as consultancy and data analysis.

The challenge

4DMC had previously been using another solution to handle their calls. However, the system was unstable and prone to disturbances, which had a clear impact on their business. The level of reporting was also poor making it difficult to monitor their success and effectively report on their performance to their customers.

The Solution: improving their operations with LeadDesk

4DMC decided to switch to LeadDesk in 2018. 4DMC’s Director Marc Ruygt explains their satisfaction very bluntly: “Now everything works!”

Of their LeadDesk use, currently around 80% is outbound telemarketing and around 20% inbound telemarketing. They are preparing to start handling call follow-up emails with LeadDesk in 2019 to further simplify their operations.

“At the moment, we are very satisfied with LeadDesk,” Ruygt continues. He is especially happy with LeadDesk’s customer support “Our communication with the LeadDesk people in Netherlands works nicely.”

“It’s great to have one clear overview of the key performance indicators.”

Marc Ruygt, Director