Filling client’s sales reps’ calendars with better meetings

JC Phoner, a Danish company booking qualified B2B meetings set out to find a solution where they can solely focus on booking meetings as efficiently as possible. They found LeadDesk in 2018 and have not looked back ever since.

Setting appointments or booking meetings for internal or external sales reps without the right tools can be cumbersome. Yes, sending an invitation per se is not rocket science, but what if booking meetings is the aim of your company? Or your SDRs? When talking about volume, a mobile phone, Outlook and manually updating your CRM won’t cut it.

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Standardizing the wanted output and saving time

With LeadDesk JC Phoner standardizes their processes and more importantly, the output from the calls. Gone are the days of filling up CRM systems manually with call results, keeping track of who answered and who didn’t, and spending extra time on work that doesn’t bring revenue to the company.

Using the Meeting calendar LeadApp, LeadDesk turns from a contact center software into a full suite appointment scheduling machine. Upload your call lists into a campaign, integrate one or several sales reps calendars into the campaign, and start booking. What more, you can fully utilize the different dialer modes according to the campaign needs and ensure you optimize your calling efforts.

“You’d be amazed how much time we save when the system itself handles the call results, transfers contacts automatically between call lists, and lets us see client’s calendar availability on the same screen. It might feel like a few seconds here and a minute there, but adding them up throughout the day makes a huge difference, which in turn is extra revenue.” – JC Phoner

Filling clients calendars with the relevant information

Getting the appointment or meeting is one thing, having all the relevant info available to your clients in a structured way is what continues adding value to clients. Having the possibility to add e-mail templates and dynamic e-mail titles and locations goes a long way in keeping the client’s Sales reps calendars clean and readable.

Furthermore, if using a manuscript, you can automatically paste the collected information in the e-mail itself. And if your sales reps need to know even more about the booking call itself, you can add a link to the actual call recording in the e-mail to them.

“With the tools within LeadDesk, we can spec the client’s wants and needs and have everything uniformed every single time. This helps the sales reps to know exactly what to look for in the invitations.” – JC Phoner

Use special reports to get an overview of your performance

Finally, every business owner wants to know exactly how each agent and campaign is performing. Combining the Meeting Calendar tool with LeadDesk’s ready-made custom reports gives JC Phoner a holistic view of performance on different levels. With the Meeting Pipeline Report, they can quickly get an overview of performance. This includes a quick outlook on campaigns and agents, call volume, booking rates, show up rates, and deal & hit rates.

Want to know which meetings were created during a specific window? Or even which meetings have been held? There are ready-made reports for this, so you can focus on leading your team.

“All in all, LeadDesk has eased our work, made us more efficient, and improved satisfaction both internally and externally.” – JC Phoner


Want to offer your agents the best tools to book more meetings?

Give LeadDesk a try. Free for 30-days.

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